Reflecting on my past as a dental hygienist with a typical 9-5 dental hygiene job, it feels like I was living a never-ending ordeal, running on that hamster wheel day in and day out. While I cherished my dental hygiene patients, working alongside a few avaricious, belittling, soul-draining dentists transformed my job into a punishment I hadn’t deserved.

Before you jump to conclusions, please note that I’m not making a sweeping judgment about all dentists – just the ones I had the unique (or should I say un-pleasurable) opportunity to work with.

The stark lack of concern from these dentists became even more apparent when I transitioned into my career as a myofunctional therapist. I found myself deeply immersed in a realm where sleep apnea demanded screening, snoring was more than just an inconvenience, tongue-ties weren’t only a bother when licking an ice cream cone, and mouth breathing was undeniably detrimental to one’s health.

Swiftly, it dawned on me that I needed to break free from this self-imposed prison sentence for the sake of my own happiness and mental well-being. My once-beloved job had become an object of my disdain. I grew resentful of my colleagues, and the mere thought of work started inducing heart palpitations. It was time to bid farewell to the grind.

Now, before you brush off your own job dissatisfaction, consider this: you might genuinely love your job. If that’s the case, great! But if not, there are three possibilities. First, you haven’t witnessed the darker aspects of your profession like I did as a dental hygienist. Second, you genuinely adore your current work. Third, you might be financially strapped and feel trapped in your job, but deep down, you’d rather pursue a different path.

First it is important to identify the problem.  Why do you hate your dental hygiene 9-5 gig?

Recognizing why you detest your 9-5 job is the easy part. The real challenge lies in finding a way out. If your heart and soul tell you it’s time to leave, it’s essential to start planning your exit strategy today.

Steps to Get Your Myofunctional Therapy Career Started

Discover Your Passion and Skills Intersection

To embark on a new journey, you must identify where your passion aligns with your skills. This step helps you determine what you want to do and why you’d excel at it. Remember, you need a solid plan, not just a fanciful daydream. Invest time in self-discovery, understanding your strengths and weaknesses. It’s like planting one foot firmly while pivoting the other, constantly scanning for opportunities that are tailor-made for you.

I highly recommend the book Pivot, by Jenny Blake.  Do the exercises (and be sure to keep them for yearly review like I do!)

Ditch the Excuses

“Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” Yes, there will be barriers, and yes, you’ll face challenges. But remember, you’re not alone in facing these obstacles. To experience something new, you must take actions you’ve never taken before. This might mean getting brutally honest with yourself or putting a halt to unnecessary spending that digs you deeper into debt.

Solve One Problem at a Time

Instead of feeling overwhelmed, start finding solutions. Take baby steps. You won’t solve all your problems immediately, but by tackling one small issue today, you’ll gain confidence and be ready to tackle the next one tomorrow.

Work Towards the Transition

This is where the hard work comes in. Develop an action plan that guides you towards transitioning out of your dental hygiene 9-5. Maybe you start by reducing your workdays. Yes, this means less income, but consider how you can manage this within your budget. Explore part-time gigs or cut back on non-essential expenses. Discovering your “enough” – the minimum you need to get by while chasing your dreams – is a powerful concept that can make the seemingly impossible transition possible.  (Shameless plug but we teach you allllllllll about discovering your enough and setting boundaries inside the Ditch Hygiene Academy!)

If my story resonates with you, if you foresee only misery in your future, it’s time to declare your intentions. Life is fleeting, and these moments won’t return. You’re not getting any younger. Earning a living as an orofacial myofunctional therapist has allowed me to design my life instead of having it dictated to me. The same possibilities await you out there!

Best of luck on your journey & I’m here when you’re ready!

xo 😘,


P.S. If you would like to visit about my journey, I would love that!  Plus we can see if the Ditch Hygiene Academy aligns with your goals and dreams!  You can make that appointment here.

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