What Is Myofunctional Therapy?

Use it to breathe new life into your dental hygiene career

What Is Myofunctional Therapy?

Myofunctional Therapy is like physical therapy for the mouth and face muscles.  Myofunctional therapy is an individualized program of static and dynamic strength and pattern retraining exercises of the tongue and orofacial muscles intended to correct maladaptive oral habits and help restore correct oral resting posture.  If you want to learn more about myofunctional therapy, I encourage you to visit my therapy website, Impact Myofunctional Therapy to engage with tons of free education material!

How Does Myofunctional Therapy Relate To a Dental Hygienist?

Myofunctional therapy is in the scope of practice for dental hygienists.  Specifically, the ADHA wording states “the scope of dental hygiene practice includes the assessment and evaluation of orofacial myofunctional dysfunction…”

So what does that mean to you, as a dental hygienist?  It means that you already have the foundational education and skillset to practice myofunctional therapy.  Of course, to be expected, is the component of getting the specialized training to know what orofacial myofunctional dysfunctions are and how to treat them!

How Do I Get Trained In Myofunctional Therapy?

Boy, we sure are glad you asked!

If you have a sincere passion to breathe new life into your dental hygiene career and uplevel the service that you bring to your patients, then you are most definitely in the right place, my friend!

Here at the Ditch Hygiene Academy we train only those with a clearly aligned goal to eventually ditch dental hygiene. That doesn’t mean that you have to do it tomorrow. And it doesn’t mean that you don’t like your job. But since we are a premium level training academy we have learned a few things over the years:

  1. Those students with a vision to build a better future for themselves see owning a profitable myofunctional therapy practice as the vehicle to get there.
  2. Those students who are working towards a big, fat, hairy, scary goal work much harder than those who simply want to dabble.
  3. Those students who are building their own financial security and geographic freedom do the work and don’t let fear and procrastination hold them back.
  4. Those students who “go all in” on themselves complete the process and get to reap the rewards of what we teach.  And they tell others.  Who also come to us for training.

Do you see what we are getting?  We train people with a plan and who want it as badly as we want to deliver it!

Here’s a few other bits of information that might help you decide that you want to join us inside the next enrollment of the Ditch Hygiene Academy!  We’d love to have you!  And I know that I’m the coach for you!!

Learn about me and my journey to myofunctional therapy

Myofunctional Therapy Mentoring

Myofunctional Therapy Training


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