Hey There!

..👋👋👋 I’m Carmen Woodland!

I’m a bored, burnt out dental hygienist – turned – orofacial – myofunctional – therapy – business – building – expert.

(Try that 10 times fast! 🤣)

I spent 16 years in the pit of hell as a dental hygienist wondering if my life was really going to play out with spiritless, unexciting, unvaried, tedious, monotonous, mundane, and uninteresting work.

I yearned for something interesting.  I desired fascinating, different, lively, exciting and impactful work.

I googled “alternative careers for a dental hygienist” and researched them all.

Most of them appeared to be as exciting as watching paint dry.

Nope.  Not for me.  Hell no.  Not for this girl.

I had learned the basics about orofacial myofunctional therapy at a conference very early in my career and never thought about it again.

Until I did.  

In 2015, hot off the press MBA degree in hand, I still found myself desperate NOT to waste 16 years of skills and start over with entry level wages.

I dusted off my orofacial myofunctional therapy curiosity and enrolled in a program to teach me how to do it.

By 2016, I was deep in the trenches of building a business with my sights set on hygiene retirement.  It was baptism by fire.  For sure.

I knew enough to be dangerous, but not enough to confidently have conversations about what I did or who I could help.  I was afraid to tell anyone what I was doing.

But I figured it out.  Every day taking another step closer to the woman I wanted to be… owning the business I wanted to own…helping the people I was meant to help.

As a result, I have changed 1000’s of lives and grown a multi-6 figure business that I’m very proud of.

When others started asking me how I did it, the Myo Mastery Program, Ditch Hygiene Academy and the Myofunctional Therapy Training Academy was born.

To date, I’ve trained and supported 100’s of dental hygienists, dentists and speech therapists through the implementation of these skills.

The things I love

Get Your Myofunctional Therapy Dreams Started

Download The Dental Hygienist’s Guide to Financial and Career Freedom

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What Others Say

When I was researching which training program to do for my Myofunctional Therapy advanced education, I ultimately made the decision to go with Carmen (Woodland) for a myriad of reasons. In speaking with her ahead of time, she was relatable and easy to understand. Her coursework throughout the program did not disappoint either; it was thorough and comprehensive. One part of the program that I really gravitated towards was the focus on business. I found it extremely helpful when starting my own. Now that I am a graduate of the program, I am always continuing to learn on our private Facebook group. We discuss cases, questions, and any new information that may be out there. It is wonderful to have a supportive group of people that are all dealing with similar issues when it comes to anything Myofunctional Therapy-related. I would highly recommend Carmen’s program and think she is a fantastic mentor!



I feel so fortunate to have found The Myo Mastery Program.

I have been a hygienist for 28 years and this course is going to change the direction of my hygiene career.



I have had the opportunity to have experience with Carmen (Woodland) as both a therapist & as an educator. Having myofunctional impairment & tongue-tie myself, I sought her out for therapy & was very pleased with her methods & the results achieved. As a client, her passion for education was evident, & she is just as passionate about teaching fellow hygienists to become therapists. She wants the best for every client & knows that education is the key. As a dental hygienist myself, I saw the importance of spreading awareness & education to my patients so I enrolled in the Myo Mastery program. It is a comprehensive program that prepares the student to diagnose & treat myofunctional impairment. Additionally, if you desire to build a business yourself she goes over & above to make sure you are successful. Having received her MBA, she shares the knowledge she has about business & even shares the documents & forms she has created in order to make it easier for those of us who don’t have that business background. Carmen makes herself easily accessible every step of the way for questions & guidance. If you desire to help your patients in your practice or transition from clinical practice to having your own business & being your own boss, Carmen can make that possible for you. I encourage you to make an appointment to talk with her today!



My story

Early 2000's

Introduced to Myofunctional Therapy

I had an introduction to myofunctional therapy at a dental hygiene conference.  I knew the basics but didn’t know how to implement what I’d learned.

2011 - 2014

Looking for a different path ~ Started graduate school

Bored out of my mind with dental hygiene, I was looking for a new way in the world.  I thought the answer was to earn an M.B.A. and go into the world of dental consulting so I didn’t have to start over.

M.B.A. Earned.  Dabbled in dental consulting. 


Discovered Jenny Blake

I took a deep dive into the book, “Pivot”, and did all the exercises and hard work.  I found what I loved about dental hygiene and what I didn’t.

I loved helping + educating my patients.  I loved helping them with wellness and having better overall health (not just oral health).  I loved the nutritional counseling that came with the job.

I loathed scraping teeth and probing gums.

Essentially I loved dental hygiene for the social hour and being able to connect with my patients and help them.

I discovered I had a helper’s heart and I loved teaching.


Started my Myofunctional Therapy journey

Took more myo training so that I had a solid foundation and I started my business in May, 2017.  I already had paying clients.


Cut back to PT hygiene

2017 was a big, turning point for me.  By July I was ready to cut back to part-time dental hygiene.

Many other dental hygienists wanted to know how I had built my business so quickly and successfully, so I started teaching others through the Myo Mastery Program.


Retired from Dental Hygiene

In August 2018 I hung up the scrubs and I’ve never looked back!

2018 was also the first year that I hit 6-figure earnings with my business.

I’ve consistently enjoyed 6-figure earnings from my myofunctional therapy business & teaching.  Therapy contributes about 60-75% of my revenue. 


Astronomical Growth

2021 brought a growth of over $100,000 into my business and has been rapidly growing since.

don't forget to subscribe + download the stop playing tiny workbook!

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