Digital Courses For Myofunctional Therapists

Myofunctional Therapy Training For the SLP, RDH, DDS

The Myo Masterclass™ teaches dentists, dental hygienists and speech language pathologists everything they need to know to implement Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy into their current regimen to start helping their patients achieve a better life.

Ditch Hygiene Academy™

The Ditch Hygiene Academy™ is our signature course that teaches dental hygienists how to build a profitable myofunctional therapy business from the ground up…with the goal to someday “ditch hygiene” for a career filled with passion, profit and geographic freedom!  This program opens just a few times per year. 

Myo Money™

The Myo Money™ program is specifically for you if you need a simple but comprehensive financial system for your myofunctional therapy business.  Never go without a paycheck!  Never be surprised and caught off guard when it’s time to pay your taxes!

Ignition Implementation Lab™

The Ignition Implementation Lab™ was specifically created for myofunctional therapists who are wondering how to get started.  Learn how to implement what you’ve learned and not be overwhelmed!

AI-Powered Content Creation for Myofunctional Therapists

This comprehensive course is designed to empower myofunctional therapists with the knowledge and skills to leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools for creating engaging and informative content for their blogs and social media platforms. In an increasingly digital world, this course will equip therapists with the ability to produce high-quality content efficiently, helping them reach a wider audience and establish themselves as authorities in the field of myofunctional therapy.


What Others Say

“After struggling with the physical demands of working as a dental hygienist, I was ready to find the next step in my career. The Myo Mastery program gave me a convenient avenue to expand my oral health knowledge, and empowered me to start my own independent business. Carmen is knowledgeable, down-to-earth, and overall, a great mentor.”



“Burnt out. Googled.  Read article mentioning OMT. Found your training. Jumping into training. Became my own boss. Never looked back.”



“I was interested in joining the academy because I was getting to a point where my hands and wrists were getting the best of me and I was becoming stagnant in my career. My hesitation was transitioning out of hygiene and putting all of my marbles in one bowl.  I love my classmates- we all started at different levels and we’re all so encouraging!”



don't forget to subscribe + download the stop playing tiny workbook!

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