Myofunctional Therapy Mentoring

And Why I Know I’m a Great Myofunctional Therapy Mentor

Looking for a myofunctional therapy mentor?

It can be super scary when you are just wading into the waters of myofunctional therapy.  Trust me!  I was there. I felt pretty alone and nervous, even frustrated at times because I felt as though I had been loved and left.

Meaning, I did not have a good myofunctional therapy mentor. 

Yes, I had someone who taught me, but when the course was over I had trouble getting an email answered, so I didn’t feel like there was much of a myofunctional therapy mentor component if you get my drift. Nobody was an open book, transparent as hell.  No one said, hey this is what I did and it’s working splendidly for me.  Nobody said anything.  It was all very secretive, which IMHO, is still a problem.

So, when I found myself in a position of teaching myofunctional therapy, I knew that my programs needed to have a bad-ass leader that would over-deliver on education, but most importantly also needed to encourage, empower and elevate my students to new levels!

That’s what I did.  And that’s what I do. 

All. the. Time. I’m a mentoring machine!!

If you’re searching for a myofunctional therapy mentor, you need to find one who invites you to flourish.

One who brings you in for a big virtual hug, tells you that she believes in you , and then not only shows you the path but who grabs your hand and walks the path with you.

That’s a myofunctional therapy mentor.

And that’s us. 

There is no secret inside the Ditch Hygiene Academy.  No question off limits.  I am there to make sure that you not only get the information taught to you in a way that makes sense and is useful, but I also make sure that you get plenty of practice applying those principles.

Whether it’s practical applications, practicing on your client (everyone works with a practice client and presents a case study to the group), creative writing assignments, breakout brainstorming sessions or apprenticeships, you will feel completely supported through the process.

In addition to me being your myofunctional therapy mentor, you will also have your cohort ladies to be a myofunctional therapy mentor as well.  You will all be implementing the decide, act, evaluate process together and mentoring each other along the way.

Do you need anything else from a myofunctional therapy mentor? 


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