4 Reasons To Start a Myofunctional Therapy Business

Maybe you have recently fallen into this “myo” rabbit hole or perhaps you’ve been procrastinating this decision by wasting hours researching all the different options to get your training.

That’s ok, my friend.  I get it. You want the best bang for the buck when it comes to your investment.

But let me tell you.  I’m confident that the buck will stop here.

It’ll stop here because once you are done with this class, you will be so excited to start your business…

but more than that, you will learn how comprehensive this course is

…and also how much support you have in the program.

It’s not enough for you just to enroll.

I don’t feel successful, until you are successful.

But we are getting ahead of ourselves aren’t we?

Let’s explore 4 Reasons to Start a Myofunctional Therapy Business and let things speak for themselves.

(After the video…be sure to explore our enrollment offer below!)

This Offer Ends: 11/1/24









Is The Ditch Hygiene Academy™ For?

Self-motivated Dental Hygienists who want to work less + earn more + have total control of their calendar + enjoy geographic freedom!

You might be bored and burned out.

You might desire to be more present with your children or partner.

You might have a niggling injury that prevents you from practicing.

You simply might desire a breath of fresh air for your hygiene career.

You might be looking for something to ease into retirement, gain wealth so you can retire or simply continue making impact when you retire!

Whatever the Reason…You’re in the Right Place!

Our “Zone of Genius” is for you to build a life that you’re bonkers about.  This means time, money & geographic freedom.

Whether you love or hate dental hygiene, the ultimate outcome is for you to have freedom, however you define it.

Freedom to choose how fast you leave hygiene.

Freedom to decide how much you want to work.

Freedom to decide where you want to work from.

Freedom to control your calendar.

Get Your Dream Outcome

Learn How To

  • Implement time management & boundaries to prioritize learning how to deliver Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy
  • Create 90 day essential priorities & follow thru
  • Legally launch your business in just hours
  • Create a high converting website
  • Set up payment systems & start accepting payments in just 1 hour
  • Create your ideal day and set up client scheduling systems around it
  • Start / optimize your social media for hot business leads waiting to pay you to help them
  • Bootstrap your business with minimal investment & risk
  • Identify your ideal customer and sell your premium services like a pro car salesman (but without the ick)
  • Increase your business success by following a step by step, meticulously organized “follow the yellow brick road” plan


The Ditch Hygiene Academy™ 

The amount of material in this course is ridiculous… making it the most comprehensive myofunctional therapy training + business course available on the market.

This is a high-touch program with tons of support!  It includes a combination of on-demand lessons with live coaching.

And, you will have access to the course and live coaching for life + all future updates or new content that gets added.

Self-Paced Learning

Get access 24/7.  There is a ton of material, but it is meticulously organized to prevent overwhelm.  Simply follow our step-by-step course curriculum map.

Unlimited Voxer Support

Get unlimited support with  the Voxer app!  Join us for weekly “office hours” where you can get your questions answered so you can keep moving forward!

Business Launch Fast Track

This lifetime training & mentorship opportunity puts you on the fast track to opening your doors and earning myofunctional therapy revenue.

Live Classes

From time to time throughout the course, we will hold additional live classes to take a deeper dive into more difficult topics.  Practical application at its finest!

Live Group coaching

Most Friday’s at 11:30 am MST.  Coaching is recorded + you have access to the live coaching archive.  Submit questions or show up live!

Advanced Training Modules

Take a more indepth look at sleep disordered breathing, tongue-ties, frenectomies, airway focused orthodontics, habit elimination, and working with children.


The best way to grow your confidence + business is to be in community with others doing the same.  The Ditcher Lounge is where fellow students hang out.

Case Studies

Opportunity to practice with our collection of adult and child case studies.  Fine tune your skills by learning different approaches for different client needs.


Complete an apprenticeship under the helpful eye of our team.  Make 1:1 appointments to troubleshoot or discuss your client’s progress through therapy.

website creation

A business must have for you and your clients! Learn how to build a beautiful website for your business and turn it into a “client conversion” machine!  

time management

Our time managment lessons will help you focus on the essential tasks that help your business.  Learn how to stop the 3 P’s:  People Pleasing, Procrastinating, and Perfectionism!


Learn how to set up 7 essential systems for your business to run smoothly.  From operations to finance to client scheduling you will learn it all.

Your Offer

Your Investment For The Ditch Hygiene Academy™ Is $6,000. 

(Or enjoy a payment plan of $540 per month for 12 months)

You will have immediate access to the entire program, including any future updates, and additional coaching or training that we may do!

No waiting for modules to unlock.  You have immediate access to everything.

And, you will make your $6K investment back, or I will give it back to you.


Pay the price today — so you can pay any price in the future  (Grant Cardone)


That’s A lot 

One of the things you will learn inside the program is that price is a communication of value.

When you pay a high price, you

✔️ Have an emotional investment

✔️ Perceive a greater value

✔️ Leading to better results

The More Invested You Are.

I am a conduit for you to invest in yourself + your incredible future.

When you invest in the DHA, you show yourself that you are a priority.

You’re not investing in me.  You’re investing in you.

Besides…we make sure you have the tools to earn back your investment inside the $6k in 90 Day Challenge.

So stop getting your nails done, hair colored and dining out…

And just know that this is on your heart for a reason.


Your Investment is Risk Free…


If you go all in on yourself, put forth the effort, do the work and still can’t seem to get a client, we will refund  your money!

We think you’re a great fit if…

You are looking for a real solution to your current life situation.

You’re looking to go beyond the “conventional training” and actually implement what you’ve learned.

You are looking to build a kick-ass business not a hobby.

You feel stuck where you are and aren’t sure of your next best move.

You desire wealth + freedom.

You want to experience leadership, mentorship and support from a community of like minded, successful, brave women.

You want to be led by someone who has achieved what it is that you desire… work less + earn more + have total control of your calendar + work from anywhere


The Ditch Hygiene Academy™ Includes

5 Modules with 8 lessons in each module; meticulously broken down into 5 Stages…see that my friend?  That’s 40 lessons!  And, that’s before all the bonuses! (There are 100+ hours of material.)

  • Stage 1:  Myo Foundations

  • Stage 2: Practical Applications

  • Stage 3: Practice Management Systems

  • Stage 4: Advanced Studies

  • Stage 5: Myo Mastery




Join us for live coaching to get your questions answered, your mindset correct, get feedback on practical assignments or just grow from watching others get coached.

Nothing is off limits. Need help choosing your prices?  Boom. Need to get feedback on how a free assessment went?  Done.

And…coming soon, a member’s only podcast where you can catch the coaching call replays on the go.  This makes your learning very convenient!


You also have a complete coaching community to learn from inside the Ditcher Lounge, where there are many coaching topics to learn from.  And 24/7 written coaching inside the lounge. 

Need to find a practice partner?  In the lounge!

Need to ask for feedback on your website?  In the lounge!

Want to post a celebration? Ask a question?  See what’s been used for tech?

In the lounge!


The Bonuses

The bonuses are all the things inside the program that we’ve included to make your life easier.  They will help you be more efficient, stay organized, keep you on track or take a deeper dive into a mastering a concept.

  • Discovering Your Enough

  • Boundaries That Don’t Budge

  • Student Interviews

  • Website critique & feedback

  • All the Trello boards you can dream of

  • Past coaching archive

  • 25+ Behind-the-scenes videos of real life therapy

  • 6 Comprehensive exam videos

  • Tech library

  • Sleep promotion strategies

  • Document swipe file

  • Correspondence examples

  • Report examples

  • Therapy templates

  • Unlimited Voxer support

  • Done 4 U presentation templates

  • Special edition DHA student kit

  • Apprenticeship

  • Annual update

  • Recommended reading lists

  • YouTube resources

  • Preferred provider network

  • Provider examples

  • Tongue thrust swallowing examples

  • Ditch the Tongue Tie 4 part webinar

  • Myo Mastery Program case studies 1 & 2

  • Creation of Your Productivity Plan

  • Triumph Appraisals

  • Project Management

  • Quit program

  • Additional training archive

  • Adult therapy kit

  • Youth therapy kit

  • Done 4 U Brochures

And A Special Additional Bonus For You

Since enrollment is not currently open, we would love for you to take advantage of this private enrollment offer!  We’ve sweetened the deal for you! 

If you enroll during this private enrollment, we will send you an extra special student kit + a hardback copy of the book Profit First, which you will need for the Profit First and Myo Money lessons.

AND, if you are going to pay in full we will give you the full workbook, therapy templates and exercise manual pdf’s so you can get them printed at your local office store!  This will save you so much time!

Are You Interested?


But Have Questions….

Do any of these sound familiar?



We hear this often.  This is something that we double down on inside the Ditch Hygiene Academy™.  With lessons like “Conversations that Convert” and “Building Your Myo Network” you’re going to know exactly how to attract your ideal customer who is waiting to pay you handsomely for your work!


I don't know where to start

Our step-by-step, hyper-organized approach will make this a “non-issue”.  Your bite-sized training + practical applications will teach you step by step how it’s done.  You will learn about each stage of business and we walk you thru every single one.  Plus you work with mock clients, practice clients and real clients inside the apprenticeship training!



Take our word.  You will no longer be bored.  Pinky promise.  You will be on fire with excitement about your new found way to impact lives.  This, my friend, is oral health on steroids!



Here’s the thing friend…then you don’t want it bad enough.  Simple as that.  If you want something, you will gnaw through barbed wire to get it.  In our program, we don’t let you argue for your limitations.  We will simply encourage you to enroll another time when you’re actually ready to do the work.



That’s why you learn and grow each day.  When you work alongside your peers, you’re not the only one learning this stuff.  You’ve got a whole gaggle of gals going through the same growing pains as you!



We will be here when you get over that excuse.  Investing in this program isn’t an investment in us.  It’s an investment in you.  The cool thing is, we do alot of coaching and learning around your mindset and belief system inside the Ditch Hygiene Academy™.

If any of that resonated with you, you’re in the right place.

Everything that you will learn in this program will help you confidently change your mindset.  Your business doesn’t have to be an anchor.  It’s meant to be fun and rewarding.  You will love the woman you become and the massive impact that you’re creating.

You can do this. I believe in you.

Program Syllabus

What Students Are Saying

I was interested in joining the academy because I was getting to a point where my hands and wrists were getting the best of me and I was becoming stagnant in my career.



The coaching and mentorship really set this program apart from other programs. Carmen really breaks down the steps in bite size pieces.



I love my classmates- we all started at different levels and we’re all so encouraging!



I love the coaching and working closely with Carmen. She is so supportive and offers a wonderful community.



I was interested in the DHA because I wanted to find a new career away from clinical dental hygiene, without having to start over.



Carmen’s transparency with how she conducts her class and her success was very appetizing and I appreciated all of the encouragement that I could do it too.



Carmen is an open book- she is very passionate about her craft and it shows!  I’m so excited to be part of this community and look forward to starting my career.



Carmen…You’re a great leader!



Carmen’s program is FANTASTIC! She offered so much information and makes it easy to learn.



Anyone doubting their training needs to take Carmen’s course! I felt very prepared to start my business when I finished. I just saw a client the other day and she said, “I’d never guess you were new to this!” It was a compliment and helped build confidence. I love your “tough love,” Carmen!



I just wanted to say I’m loving the course so far.  I’ve taken 2 IAOM courses in the past, but I’m finding your program is just what I needed to launch my business forward.  I can’t wait to learn all I can from you!



I was hesitant because I was afraid I wouldn’t be prepared to start my own business or be able to apply my newly acquired knowledge into real life success.  I was wrong!



More Thoughts

Just For You

Get Your Myofunctional Therapy Dreams Started

Download The Dental Hygienist’s Guide to Financial and Career Freedom

*We respect your privacy and will keep your info safe.  By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I've taken another course?

Not all courses are on the same level as the Ditch Hygiene Academy™, which is A-ok.  We’ve got many students who’ve taken multiple courses and found that our course and leadership were the bomb-diggidy that finally made things click!

Will this course give me business training too?

The Ditch Hygiene Academy™ was designed to give you the myofunctional therapy foundation as well as learn how to start / run your business.  Throughout the entire course, you learn exactly what Carmen did to build a multi MILLION dollar business! Plus, you will also have several interviews and business case studies from other therapists about their own business journey.

What sets this program apart from others?

What makes the Ditch Hygiene Academy different?

The leadership of Carmen.  She empowers, educates, and encourages you along the way…while helping you become a myofunctional problem solver.  The Ditch Hygiene Academy™ doesn’t just lure you in and leave you.  Our program leads you.  The testimony speaks volumes.

Carmen never tops mentoring and coaching you.  Your success is her success.  This is a high-touch premium level program.  There is only room for go-getters!  Carmen shows you the path and teaches you to believe in yourself, your process, and the possibilities of what life can bring!!

This program is absolutely the only one of it’s kind that offers practical application for both therapy and business.  You work alongside other ambitious women who are exactly where you are…at the beginning!  Carmen is there every step of the way, from mock clients, practice clients to a real life apprenticeship!

How long can I access the material?

You will have access to the course and live coaching for life + all future updates or new content that gets added.

Who can take the course?

Dental hygienists. We ask for proof of your credentials before finalizing your enrollment.

Do I have to get "certified"?

While there is an option in some programs to get a “certificate”, it is not necessary, nor does the training guarantee your success.  Currently, myofunctional therapy is written (by the ADHA) into the scope of practice.  This means you need to get the myofunctional education, but it doesn’t mean you have to pay the high expense of a “certification” program.  If you see the need for this certification, then you should seek out those programs and compare expenses to do so.  Our program has had a successful mix of those who wanted to do both.  Let’s face it…you will get your education from many sources…myofunctional therapy education is not a “one and done” type of learning sequence! The Ditch Hygiene Academy™ is not a “certification” program and does not endorse or recommend any program.

Training does not = competency.  Keep that in mind.  It takes experience to have competency!

You will receive a certificate of completion at the end of your curriculum.


How will I reach people?

You learn many different tactics in the program.  There are primarily three different ways that clients were introduced to us.  1) Hygiene patient 2) Found via a search 3 ) Referred to us

You also learn about our story and how we were able to build a team and teach people.  Networking and marketing strategy is part of the step-by-step roadmap provided for you by this program.  

What if I don't like the program?

We are pretty serious about our passion to help you be successful.  If you go all in on yourself, do the work and put in the effort and still can’t get any clients, then we will give you your money back!  Want to see if you like our style?  Here is a peek at lesson 1, 5 and 8.


*We respect your privacy and will keep your info safe.  By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I've taken another course?

If you've taken another course and don't feel prepared to dip your toes in, then we recommend that you invest in another course.  We've got many students who've taken multiple courses and found that our course and leadership were the bomb-diggidy that finally made things click!

Will this course give me business training too?

The Ditch Hygiene Program was designed to give you the myofunctional therapy foundation as well as learn how to start / run your business.  Throughout the entire course, you learn exactly what Carmen did to build a multi 6-figure business (soon to be 7 figure business).  Plus, you will also have several interviews and business case studies from other therapists about their own business journey.

What sets this program apart from others?

What makes the Ditch Hygiene Academy different?

The leadership of Carmen.  She empowers, educates, and encourages you along the way...while helping you become a myofunctional problem solver.  The Ditch Hygiene Academy doesn't just lure you in and leave you.  Our program leads you.  The testimony speaks volumes.

Carmen never tops mentoring and coaching you.  Your success is her success.  This is a high-touch premium level program.  There is only room for go-getters!  Carmen shows you the path and teaches you to believe in yourself, your process, and the possibilities of what life can bring!!

This program is absolutely the only one of it's kind that offers practical application for both therapy and business.  You work alongside other ambitious women who are exactly where you are...at the beginning!  Carmen is there every step of the way, from mock clients, practice clients to a real life apprenticeship!

How long can I access the material?

Your teaching cohort will be 24 weeks long, and longer if you choose to uplevel for stage 4 or 5 training.  You will have access to all materials for that length+ an additional 30 days to tie up loose ends.  If you enroll as a gold level member, you get access for the lifetime of the course! All information will be located inside your course agreement when you enroll.

Who can take the course?

Dental hygienists. We ask for proof of your credentials before finalizing your enrollment.

Do I have to get "certified"?

While there is an option in some programs to get a "certificate", it is not necessary, nor does the training guarantee your success.  Currently, myofunctional therapy is written (by the ADHA) into the scope of practice.  This means you need to get the myofunctional education, but it doesn't mean you have to pay the high expense of a "certification" program.  If you see the need for this certification, then you should seek out those programs and compare expenses to do so.  Our program has had a successful mix of those who wanted to do both.  Let's face it...you will get your education from many sources...myofunctional therapy education is not a "one and done" type of learning sequence! The Ditch Hygiene Academy is not a "certification" program and does not endorse or recommend any program.

Training does not = competency.  Keep that in mind.  It takes experience to have competency!

How will I reach people?

You learn many different tactics in the program.  There are primarily three different ways that clients were introduced to us.  1) Hygiene patient 2) Found via a search 3 ) Referred to us

You also learn about our story and how we were able to build a team and teach people.  Networking and marketing strategy is part of the step-by-step roadmap provided for you by this program.  

What if I don't like the program?

We are pretty serious about our passion to help only the serious folks.  Since this is a digital course, we do not offer a refund because you get immediate access to the material.  Please make sure you have thought your decision through before registering!  Because once you do...she is yours!!  Want to take a sneek peek?  Here is a peek at lesson 1, 5 and 8.

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